Xkcd's epic rant on git. How deep have you explored git internals?

  • 4
    A little bit
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    man pages are also a pretty good tool
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    Lol brilliant
  • 5
    Git, also known as:

    Why the fuck am I using a CLI for version control in 2018
  • 4
    @whoneedsgit You don't need to use CLI at all...
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    @illegaldisease I know, I'm currently using gitkraken (most buggy piece of software I've seen in my life). I just see over 90% of devs using git cli
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    @whoneedsgit Some IDES/Text editors have their built-in git support is actually nice. Jetbrains, VSCode, Atom etc...

    When i have to deal with subversions or cherry picks etc, i use CLI as well.
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    @whoneedsgit Then try SourceTree from Atlassian, after using it you will love gitkraken :D (switched a few month ago because SourceTree is slow af since v2)
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    I like git a lot and only use the CLI now, because all GUIs disapointed me. Everytime i have a Problem a short google search is enough (and at the beginning i had a lot of problems)
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    @whoneedsgit cause it’s effective and efficient
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    I'm a simple man. I see XKCD, I ++.
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    @illegaldisease be careful.. eclipse git is a piece of shit just like the tool itself as(s) well...
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    Lol I keep trying to get into git but the setup always annoys me and the amount of time I waste to try and learn it always feels like to much so I go back to my trusty save in folder with timestamp as name system, it's setup to be automated and it mirrors on the cloud and and storage device automatically every hour saving only the last 30 copies. Is it space efficient, no, but it's simple and it works. 😐
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    @whoneedsgit try gitk, git gui, gitkraken.. But in order to understand what happens learning cli is the best way I guess
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    @whoneedsgit One word my friend.

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    @leanrob Wow, that does look promising, will give it a try!
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    Some things that man pages were able to tell me
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