
What kind of questions should I expect with a phone interview for a student tech support position?

Got an interview Tuesday afternoon!

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    Caller is mad and won’t tell you the issue; how do you handle it?

    Caller is eating while talking to you; how do you handle it?

    Caller is trying to do something else while talking to you; how do you handle it?

    Caller does not natively speak <native language> well; how do you handle it?
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    @bkwilliams Common sense, isn't it? I've never held an actual job, but it's basically:
    1) Keep calmly reiterating that in order to help them, they'll need to cooperate with me and tell me what they're experiencing.
    2) Kindly ask them to speak up and speak as clearly as possible.
    3) Ask them to try and focus on the issues at hand, as it'll make things easier for myself, but more importantly, them.
    4) That'll be a hard one. I have a difficult time understanding a lot of strong accents that aren't native to the US. I guess it's ask them to enunciate as best they can, and if I still have trouble, ask someone else for help? (If someone can help me with this question, it'd be appreciated.)

    Remaining calm and patient with the customer is one of the biggest keys to it. Being that I am shy, I don't like to get an attitude with someone I don't know, no matter how much they piss me off. Perhaps that's going to be an advantage.

    Thanks though! Appreciate it
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    Don't know about that, but goodluck
    and congrats on 30k
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    @const thanks! Never thought I'd actually post enough to get this far along, honestly.
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