
Can somebody please explain to my boss that using a progressive loading bar when you've got no metrics to base the progression on is stupid. Pls.

  • 2
    Well, if there is some loading going on, but you don't know the progress, users may actually feel better if there is a loading bar instead of a loading animation like those wheels, because it feels like you know when it will end.

    From a technical perspective still stupid, but maybe better UX.
  • 3
    I had a client like this. Told them I could do it if they wrote an API to provide the values.

    They did. It goes up to 30%, back to 0, then to 20% where it sits before going to 100%.

    They are happy. The invoice is paid. Only users got fucked.
  • 3
    Just do the windows way: slowely load based on a randomnezz and when its finished just load completely.
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