
I put my CV on one website and I've already had about 10 calls from recruiters. It's nice that they do all the work for you these days, but it kind of takes the fun out of it - are IT recruiters this common everywhere?

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    Sooo umm, what website was that? πŸ˜‰
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    I get about 5 phone calls a week for the past 4 months. so far I have had 1 interview(didn't get the job). my advice, don't trust them.
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    @brod erm, monster I think!
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    @ramzan8 I've got one interview so far. I had one in the past through a recruiter too. Guess it's just luck of the draw.
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    @JakeHL in IT it maybe a litle different. for me its embedded systems roles.
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    Ahh, for me it's been mostly .net recruiters which are probably more common. Embedded systems were the bane of my uni life 😰
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    they are in the Netherlands...

    the downside however is that a company must pay the recruiter like 25% or so of a year salary, so it could also potentially close doors for you.
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    At this point I (in Sweden) get about 1-2 mails and "opportunities" from recruiters per week on LinkedIn, and I haven't even put down any description in my jobs as developer, just which skills and languages I know.
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    Recruiter value varies. Some are helpful and others blast emails and resumes and see what sticks. Interview them before working with them.
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    They've all seemed really responsive and proactive to me so far. Just this morning I've got 3 confirmed interviews now. I've only got about 8 months commercial experience so I don't think it's me in particular. Maybe just the area I live in.
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    Pretty common, after I posted on Monster and Dice, I got like 3 calls a day. Try to change your number once you get a job, if you hate the spam.
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