
I received a job offer as web-app developer and, in order to access the interview, I had to do an online QI test.

I login in the website and I see an ugly cluster of links, missing informations, errors at receiving the data I just inserted, a lot of bugs, broken links, images not availables, blank pages and so on.

I'm not sure I want to work there anymore

  • 14
    Maybe that's the test...
  • 10
    Now there’s an idea on how to weed out QA’s

    Make a mini site with loads of deliberate bugs and issues and see how many they can find!
  • 1
    Wow lol sounds ugly.
  • 7
    Its your job to fix it .. why do you think they need to hire someone? They need to fix their stupid apps
  • 1
    Yeah sounds like they're looking for someone to either say something about it or fix it
  • 0
    "What needs to be done to fix the problem?"
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