My mom is amazing, bought one of this for me to try and Limon concentrate because I love lemon juice

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    And because I'm a true believer of the sacred religion of scarvaging...
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    @bigus-dickus oh, different projects :D

    hydraulics I need to increase the effectiveness of a 12V pump.

    Arduino?? Don't know the limit yet. CNC, Electric SAW, milling machines, IOT, security systems (with extra gás sensor), after that I don't know yet.

    I'm thinking of giving Programming and Arduino classes in my city, but I need a special formation for that and don't know If I'll have students...

    Else, when I have my company I'll make a think tank company... With access to milling machines, CNCs, 3D printers... And I'll rent the space.

    Just two more final project ideias
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    Same here...

    I was the only man in my family who didn't DIY regularly until I had my burnout which made me let go of the computer. And I found out what we can do with Arduino...

    I have a basic course in Electricity.

    I've jumped jobs because I can't be unemployed for more than a month, I don't mind even to dig or get my hands dirty.

    So, I get a lot of bases but only a few specialties... That is why I changed to the molding company. Now and for more 20 years I can get a job in a molding company in less than one month... Unless the molding company shifts to China again, which is already happening but the companies eyes are closed until it's too late.

    So, I'll just make my fucking company, my own way, and hire people that work well with me. Which is the worst part of working in a company, when you're fucked by a boss in the ass.
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