
Did anyone else see this today? Are you team spaces or team tabs?

  • 1
    Go rebels!!
  • 2
    I only go tabs, for the beginning :)
  • 1
    My theory: Most IDEs have agreed on spaces by default. But when working in a non ide like vim hitting the space bar so often is a pain so vimmers (generally) like tabs.

    The fact that c repos (mainly linux os community) have high number of tab repos does not surprise me.
  • 4
    I hit the tab button, but my ide then puts in 4 spaces
  • 1
    @ChappIO non IDE like vim? I don't understand.
  • 1
    @mikhas possibly but I would bet most have their IDE set for the tab to put spaces. I set all mine like that.
  • 1
    All my tabs get automatically changed to spaces. Where does that put me?
  • 0
    :set expandtab
    :set tabstop=4
    :set shiftwidth=4

    retab if needed :)
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