
*Build project*
*Build failed*
- Arrrg! Lets try cleaning first.
*Clean project*
*Clean failed*
- ...
- What the FUCK! How does the clean fucking project fail?!? Just delete fucking output you pile of shit!

  • 5
    Is this in visual studio? I think you have a lock on one of the files in the bin or obj folder and vs isn't allowed to remove / overwrite it.
  • 5
    *Project failed*
    *Life failed*
    *Death failed*
  • 0
    @MrCSharp this drove me crazy with Selenium/ChromeDriver. I had to go into Task Manager often and kill either Chrome processes or undead VS Dev processes.
  • 3
    @MrCSharp yes it was in visual studuo. Cleaning second time solved the issue
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