The Elixium blockchain project is coming along pretty well! We worked on it pretty hard for a few months but then I had to take some time off to deal with life stuff, but now I'm able to work on it again and I can honestly say I've really missed it.

I'd love some more open source contributors (after all, that's what decentralized software is all about), so if you're interested, *every little commit helps*.

Here's the GitHub repo: https://github.com/elixiumnetwork/...

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    @ewpratten hahah yeah totally ;) We're actually switching to a more memory-hard implementation of mining after I finish the peer to peer networking stuff, so it probably wouldnt be a great idea ahahah
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    @RuntimeError hey.. I heard you are trying is or did try a decentralized based company?

    Because I have some ideas id like to contribute and discuss on that front that have been perculating for a long long time..
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    @rant1ng we're not building a company per sé, but the foundation behind the blockchain will be a legal entity (for the core team/anyone on future payroll)
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    @Ancalagon meh, im not really here to convince you that its better than anything. the link i posted has a readme that describes its goal
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    I really hate the unnecessary `do`s and empty parenthesis, especially on e.g. `.empty?()`

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