
Client: so how could we test this 😬
Me: you know what, send me an email at linuxxx@companyname.com and I can look if I can properly reply! Keep in mind though that this is for one time only, no further questions through that email address!
Client: Yes of course! *sends email*
Me: *tests* - *works fine* - *messages client back through the ticket system*
Client: *proceeds to send two follow up questions to my fucking work email address*

Me: *selects emails* - *marks emails as spam and deletes them*

Fucking seriously?! Cunt.

  • 7
    Always like that...
  • 54
    “Keep in mind... this is for... further questions through that email address!”
    Selective hearing, my friend
  • 6
    Yeah, getting caught up in answering makes the guy feel entitled. Good choice to just ditch it.
  • 11
    @TheOct0 we get that more often even from our big clients but they all get marked as spam and deleted without reading :)
  • 2
    @linuxxx The guy that hired me as an intern thought I had a fucking customer support program. I had to shove the fact that I'd do it for another paycheck in his face to get him to stop
  • 16
    Well.... One of our customers has my personal phone number... Because it was (and also with my permission) necessary for an emergency

    Guess who is messaging me ?
  • 6
  • 6
    I'm not support but when clients ask for my number I just leave, don't want any headaches lol
  • 5
    There were select customers who I have personal contact to. They've all written letters of recommendation for me, though, so I can't complain about the panicked messages along the following lines: "tree got hit with lightning and my power strips all died. I have a huge meeting in an hour. Help!"
  • 2
    @QueenMorgana reply: just switch your circuit breakers back on and if they're not present, get someone to place them already! Btw how the fuck does a lightning bolt that strikes a tree cut the power lines? Doesn't make sense at all. Anyway, circuit breakers, and protection circuits consisting of coils (to limit the effects of overcurrent) and HV capacitors (to limit voltage spikes) and fuses. They're life-savers for plugged in electronics!

    Also I don't really deem a recommendation letter a reason to accept spam, but that's just me of course ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 4
    @Condor the jobs they tried to get for me would include education through PhD if I wanted. I hooked them up with new strips, and they invited me to dinner, which was catered
  • 3
    I would capitalize, bold and undrrline the not just to makr the point. Then if he sent me a following mail i would insult him and refer to my incredibly blatent negation.
  • 7
    @MrJimmy Dick pics is the most absurd thing in existence in my opinion by the way o.o
  • 1
    I encounter this but I'm quite happy to have contact with -some- of them. Man of all trades... x)
  • 2
    @MrJimmy yeah I agree on the dick pics one as well, really hard to grasp why someone would do that 😬
  • 0
    @MrJimmy Then why the fuck do men still send them? Has there been a single woman in the entire History who enjoyed them?
  • 0
    @MrJimmy I wouldn't know '-'
  • 0
    @linuxxx for the next time: https://getnada.com 😉
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