
Daily reminder:
You are not payed to write code. You are payed to think.

  • 17
    Daily reminder:
    The only way to get rich is to let others work for you.
  • 41
    Daily reminder: It's paid, not payed.
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    And you think more than le boss 🤔🤦‍♂️
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    If you think but not write code will you get paid?
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    @hubiruchi yeah, but also fired
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    Clearly you aren’t payed to spell :p
  • 13
    I'm apparently paid to manage a Trello board and to get chewed out regularly.

    Write code?
    More like trudge through someone else's mental diarrhea and unclog it where it's beginning to clump and fester.
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    @Root Pure dev poetry
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    @TheOct0 I kinda grossed myself out writing that 😅
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    @Root Maybe you should leave this kind of ranting to DeLarge :)
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    Some of the best code I ever wrote is the code I never wrote! I'm not like aggressively defending our codebase from new features or anything, but sometimes what the user needs is just an excel sheet.
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    @hubiruchi Yes. If you are the person who is always there and providing solutions to everyone's problems despite not writing much code, most companies will keep you on. IME. Honestly most workplaces don't seem to notice or care how much code you write to begin with; maybe they do if you're in a super engineering-driven one but otherwise they're looking at your reputation. Most nonprogrammers think programming is some kind of wizardry and they don't know or care how much of it you're doing, they care whether they're running into problems that you haven't solved yet.
  • 2
    I didnt even noticed payed until i saw paid in comments 😂😂
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    Oh, that mistake. :( Clearly I shouldn't write anything after a 14 hour workday...
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    @PetarP I'm someone who teaches English for a living and I love you.
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    Ah fair enough, so I guess all programmers should just stop coding/programming? I mean, if we're paid to think then we shouldn't program, right?
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