
When applying for your first ever job, which of the following is/are/can be acceptable?
- Bad company culture
- Slavery pay
- Bad location
- No benefits (health care, etc.)
- No coffee/free snacks
- Long working hours/Lot of overtime work
- (Other)


  • 6
    Bad company culture: it's bad for your healt and psychology if its too bad.

    Slavery pay: Maybe acceptable for a short time (max 1 month) if everything is good except this.

    Bad location: if they have transportation service and its consuming less than 2h daily, thats ok.

    No benefits: they should atleast obey the local laws.

    No coffee/snacks: I don't drink coffee. That's ok.

    Long working hours/lot of overtime work: That's ok if I'm getting paid for extra work.
  • 2
    Pure and simple, salary is how a company shows they value you. Being productive is how you show you value the company and employment. Always go for as much cha-ching as you can because once you are in, you don't get shit for raises and bonuses most of the time; only excuses while the C-level folks give themselves bonuses and lay you off as "thanks for a job well done" when you complete a project. Each salary bump is the step up to the next one. Buy your own snacks. Try to add positive karma to the culture regardless...your happiness is your own responsibility. Give the commute a serious try, but if it ends up too much, consider moving companies or moving the home. Family comes first no-matter-what. You can get more of anything in the world except time. Treat the job as if someone is paying you now and in exchange you agree to die early (maximumAge - workHours = timeToDie). Puts it all in perspective. If you love what you do, they will love you for doing it. Enter hot, exit hotter.
  • 1
    Eh, while I know that most of these problems are deal breakers to me now, they wouldn't have been in 2000 when I was starting out. You gotta do what you gotta do to get your foot in the door. Experience is the most valuable item you can have on your resume/CV, so getting the first couple years of it usually means you have to eat shit for a while.
  • 0
    Bad culture: this just leads to unmotivated employees who end up leaving - definitely not a great working environment.

    Slavery pay: starting out you don’t get a whole lot of choice, but get some niche certifications and experience behind you and that’ll go away

    No benefits: that’s a personal thing, flexible hours and random days off without notice work well for me, I don’t get a dental plan with my free icecream though ☚ī¸ (reference to another rant)

    No coffee/snacks: meh I’ll waste a few 20 minute blocks in the day to go get a coffee - they’re paying for my time, regardless of me being productive.

    Transport: well I commute 3-4 hours a day (total) so anything less would be amazeballs to me

    Long working hours: those suck balls, but if you can do it, and they pay you correctly, take in the extra cash while you still have the energy to do it.
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