Gotta say I'm not a fan of google's icon style...

  • 32
    I prefer something like maps & chrome. Where it's a round icon, but there's no unnecessary whitespace
  • 7
    Hm. I think I enjoy the custom icon packs that I can put on the theme of my phone.
  • 16
    That screenshot is nightmare fuel. The amount of things wrong here is defying imagination .-.

    @Linuxxx needs to see this
  • 8
    @TheOct0 Oh look another individual judging people for making a decision they disagree with.
  • 7
    @Stuxnet And? That's the principle of having a different opinion. If I disagree, there is a reason for it. If that person embraces that reason, I don't see why I wouldn't judge that decision.
  • 5
    It could actually be quite nice if there wasn't the white background.
  • 4
    @undef I'd like to be referred to as Sir Attack Helicopter Stuxy the Superior this time, please and thanks.
  • 3

    Has an apple(like) wallpaper
  • 1
    Ohum :/
  • 1
    @TheOct0 Can you tell me what's wrong with my overly beautiful screenshot?
  • 2
    @BambuSource Is it an apple-like background? I downloaded it from some kind if background-app
  • 1
    @localjoost Google! Google everywhere! I'm very against Google and their policy, that's where the nightmare fuel comes from for me :)

    Other than that, very neat arrangement :P
  • 2
    @undef But does it matter? 😂
  • 1
    @TheOct0 I only installed all these apps for the screenshit tho! I only use like 20% of their apps
  • 2
    @localjoost Okay, that's way better ^^
  • 3
    Ewww !
    I loved the old Google fit logo(the colour combo was so nice 😍) now it looks so hideous doesn't even deserve a place on the page2 home screen 🤢
  • 2
    @ceee very much agreed!
  • 5
    The color scheme looks like it's meant for toddlers.
  • 2
    @Perflyst I'm aware of that..... I'm just saying that's the style of icon I like.

    No unnecessary white space.
  • 1
    @Root they've had those colours pretty much from the beginning, though. Blue is a bit lighter since 2015.
  • 2
    I think that individually, they look great. But all together, it makes it so hard to find what you want cause they all kinda look-alike...
  • 1
    I have always thought that whatever was the unmodified look was the best and I could just leave it as is. But these are so horrible that I may have to do something about it.
  • 1
    @electrineer You have seen infant and toddler toys, right?

    Bright colors, simple shapes, high contrast. That very much describes the Google art style.
  • 4
    Whoever made the design decision to have all icons use this garbage white padding should be shot, resuscitated, and then shot again.
  • 2
    The icons themselves are great but it seems Google didn't even try make them work nicely with the adaptive icon system they created for Android. As others have said the white circle ruins them
  • 3
    Google took some very weird drugs since they went with those stupid Android O emoji... Their app icons do look stupid though. Custom icon packs FTW :3
    (shameless ad for a dev that I'm not affiliated with but use the icon pack of - Vertumus' Dives icon pack works really well in Nova Launcher EX)
  • 2
    @Condor Do you use Nova Launcher?
  • 2
    @Condor Greatest suggestion this month! Just bought it and love the icons already 😄🙌🏻
  • 2
    @TheOct0 of course, prime too 😁
  • 2
    @Condor Oh well, to each their own
  • 2
    Oh shit, just noticed that I got BlackPlayer EX and Nova Launcher Prime confused there.. blame the booze I guess 😅
  • 2
    @Condor You still need practice
  • 1
    @TheOct0 nah, just had way too much yesterday.. 5 Duvels of which one tripel hop is a lot, even for me 😅
  • 2
    And then we are surprised that google knows everything about us 😞
  • 0
    Old but still good. Moonshine icons
  • 1
    @localjoost I believe it's a wallpaper from Google's own Wallpapers app.
  • 2
    Thanks for this rant. It shows Google's policy for Android icons since Oreo (Android SDK API 26 and up). It's the next step in Material Design icons, that by default should have a foreground (in this case all the coloured logos) on a circular background (in this case all white).

    It's called adaptive icons, because the background can move separately from the foreground (try dragging an icon quickly on the home screen). Also, the background can be a circle, but also be a squircle or rounded square if the user / launcher chooses so. Hence 'adaptive'.

    You can recognise apps that haven't implemented their adaptive icon yet by the white background with the regular app icon inside of it. Very ugly. It's because those apps target Android SDK 26 or higher, but haven't implemented either an adaptive icon or specified a custom 'round icon' that overrides this madness. For example, look at Rabobank or Stack on our last screenshot, those icons are 'adaptified' by Android, not by the developers.
  • 0
    @eeee I already knew about Adaptive Icons, but I guess I just don't like this style. And indeed, the icons which are not adaptive a immediately extremely ugly 😄
  • 0
    @daemonAD now those are some sexy icons
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