Hey guys.
For you guys that are getting depressed looking for such nice setups, please remember something...
The Facebook effect:
You only see the tip of the Iceberg, the nice things, you can't see all the shit that other people won't show.
Yes, a few have some dream setups, but most of us are lucky to have two monitors or decent hardware...
What counts is that you can work in your machine... And take the posts as Ideas for your own dream setup, when you can afford it.
Mine (Ill show when I clean this shit up) is good enough and took me 2 years to get the minimum when I could afford it.

  • 16
    ++ for the positivity and realness

    I'm not posting any of my setups, because my work desk is a fucking mess filled with notes and food and my private desk is usually just my notebook on top of my legs when I'm laying on the couch.
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    I do not have a dream setup either, but it does and is able what it should be doing.
    Since I am a student, I can not really afford my goal yet, but in a year I will be moving towards it.
    Nonetheless, I will post one, as well, when I am ready tidying up my desks lol.
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    I'd like to encourage some minimalism, y'all. Take your laptop outdoors with some trees, sunshine, sunset, fresh air, greenery, buildings, whatever. It's free. ;)
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    Depressed? I get fucking expired by them🔥
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    :D You guys get me

    @Loading ... I'm just worried because for depressed people they might not see it in a positive way and may get even worst...

    Sometimes, just reminding them that other's people's lives are not all roses and gold is enough for them no not getting into a spiral. And there are already too many Social Media victims.

    Ok, there are a few people with lots of $$$, but most took years and lots of money to get their setup... And most just have a normal Desktop/Laptop. Or lots of DIY stuff (my fav ones) to save money.

    I agree with @sleepyDevHead. I love to take my phone and a Bluetooth keyboard to a coffee shop or somewhere. Don't care if I look like a crasy guy in this small (and small-minded) city.
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    I graduate last year, got a job, and finally bought my "dream" set up and less than year later I already think it's dull.. you aren't going to love anything unless you stop and smell the roses.
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    @redandbluepill Well, that's why I like to hack my shit up.

    Don't spend much at a time, do some upgrades, upgrade only the necessary...

    My setup, two monitors, one new, other 10 years old (better than the new one)

    I5 + 16Gb DDr4 (latest upgrade)

    Disks: 1ssd 256Gb + 1 3T HDD

    Only need a new keyboard, but got the taste for retro illuminated ones. But I bought this setup at 50% and not gonna pay 40€ or 50€ for a new one...

    Basically, WASD and E don't have letters anymore :p
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    @GyroGearloose woops I misspelled graduated** The only thing I'd want to upgrade now is my keyboard. I'm trying to dive into the world of mechanical keyboards but I really want to try out a bunch before picking one.
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    My second monitor is, actually, the TV. As it stays near my computer and I need silence to work, I just adjust it to work as a second monitor! :)
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    @brunofontes Had a 51'' TV before I bought a new monitor on discount. Was great to watch movies :D
    I prefer to have background music while working.
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    @GyroGearloose Wow! 51"! That should be amazing! :)

    Sometimes I put some music using the TV speakers in a very low volume. It works nicely! :)
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