
Everyone is posting about their amazing setups and I'm looking at my low-end laptop like

  • 4
    Be glad you have that.
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    @Stuxnet already I'm
  • 3
    @const I see all these kick ass set ups.

    Sure part of me is jealous, but I'm just glad I've got everything I want for my setup
  • 1
    My boss paid me my whole setup the day i spawned in the entreprise
  • 2
    "You're my heart"
    "You're my soul"
  • 2
    Its ok bud don't feel bad. I started with a 400 dollar hp g4 or something.

    Low end as fuck. But once you get the monies you can upgrade!

    Just hang in there baby
  • 0
    My desktop has a quad-core 3.3GHz AMD APU and an AMD R9 350 (I think that's it?) in it, 16GB of RAM, 5.5TB storage across 2 HDDs.

    My laptop's a 1.2GHz single-banger HP craptop I stuck 8GB of RAM and an SSD in. Win10 won't boot on it.
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