
What seems to be the problem? Oh, is your wordpress site hacked/infected with malware?

So I guess you decided to disable updates because it might break your shitty little site? And I guess you thought those warnings you got from me and multiple colleagues about what could happen when you didn't update your wordpress bullshit weren't that serious?

Hold on, you want *US* to restore *YOUR* hosting backups?


Go clean up your own fucking bullshit. But, before you click that restore button, please take a cactus, carve 'I am a stupid wordpress cunt' into it, dip it in a bathtub of with blood mixed-infected cum and shove it up your ass.

Oh yeah I'm aware that that won't help your situation but it might keep you from reproducing and at least it'll give me some satisfaction.

  • 19
    @CoffeeNcode Yeah, although this is not a particular event, it happens way too fucking often and pisses me off like nothing fucking else.

    Fuck wordpress and a big part of its userbase.
  • 11
    But but but.. isn't there an anti-h3xx0ring plugin for this?! And an anti-break plugin.. that don't need updating? 😩

    Fuck WordPress and ALL of its users 😑
  • 3
    Plus, Wordpress is the worst kind of shit to work with. I nearly choked my "PROGRAMMING" teacher when we started working on it.
  • 3
    The visuals being presented in this rant 🤯😫

    I honestly feel sorry for you working with Wordpress all day.
  • 3
    That's also why sites hosted at WP itself are not allowed to have a gazillion of amateurish PHP shit plugins and idiot themes.
  • 1
    @CoffeeNcode WordPress users and WordPress "devs" or "publishers", aren't those the same thing?
  • 3
    @Condor as we say in German, stuff them all in a big bag and beat it with a club - you'll never hit the wrong one.
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop Welcome to Germany
  • 7
    So, let me walk through the client's thinking:

    1) Vulnerable site

    2) No updates

    3) More vulnerabilities

    4) "hacked"

    5) Restore a backup, restarting at (3)

    And they expect this to work? Sounds like the definition of insanity to me.
  • 0
    @Root Sometimes, insanity works ^^

    A very small percentage, yes, but it works :D
  • 1
    Cacti don't make good anal play
  • 2
    @rant1ng but they probably make better play than unmaintained WP installations make websites.
  • 2
    I'll have to unit tear that @Fast-Nop
  • 1
    @AlexDeLarge I usually don't do these rants but when I'm genuinely pissed of, this 'style' returns for a little
  • 0
    @rant1ng you say that knowingly...

    @linuxxx I understand. Slow to anger, but when it comes out...oh does it come out. Alex just wears it on his sleeve.
  • 0
    @AlexDeLarge when in Rome...
  • 1
    Lets make a world better place, boycott WordPress and its shits.
  • 1
    @AlexDeLarge oh, not me :(
  • 0
    @phpdev let's make the world an even better place and stop coding in PHP, which is the shit at the root of the WP shit.
  • 1
    @AlexDeLarge huaehu thanks dude, yours too, I usually swear only whem I'm really pissed hence the honesty :)

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