
Did a very tiny migration for a client which would normally be done against our hourly rate but decided to do it for free as it would take me like 5 minutes and it was a very important thing for him and he actually offered to pay.

Fuck it, he'll be very happy, it doesn't take me much time and I know my boss would approve.

Did the migration, messaged the client and he thanked me.

Next day a cake arrives at work with my name on it and "thanks for helping us with the migration!"

Now that's how you make my fucking day!

  • 15
    We need more of those ones
  • 13
    So there are nice clients, that's an awesome story really :D
  • 10
    Clients from heaven!
    Reading this is a good start of the day.
  • 4
    Our users wouldn’t even bother to thank us by email or phone... 🤣
  • 2
    Pics or didn't happen!
    Was it delicious??
  • 2
    Karma at its finest
  • 5
    I love when people are thankful for work you have done

    We were getting hundreds of emails from a mail list per minute, and I helped the mail provider work it out.

    To say sorry and thanks for the help they found our business address, which was not in my email signature, and sent me some wine.

    I am now really good friends with the tech who I helped solve the problem, we joke about it a lot
  • 0
    Great client!
  • 0

    You haven't posted anything in a week. You okay?
  • 0
  • 1
    Thanks for letting me/us know
  • 1
    @CoffeeNcode was worried as well, I can't use signal atm so I couldn't text him
  • 1
    @RiderExMachina @CoffeeNcode @404response I'm sick at the moment but had a hell of a week last week indeed. Colleagues sick and on vacation increased our workload a lot and we just got out of the vacation period and at that moment our workload increases in general so yeah.
  • 1
    @linuxxx sorry to hear that, get well soon :)

    Do you still use matrix? We could chat via that
  • 1
    @404response Kinda quit using that, do you still have that tor chat thingy?
  • 1
    @linuxxx when I get home i will write another comment here with my id for the tor thingy :)
  • 0
    your writing that's good!
    can you play spider solitaire 2 suits me?
    it's really fun ^^
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