

why the fuck don't we get notices of downvotes

people can just snipe you and you have no idea what comment, or who, or from when, or why

at the very least, point out what comments/rants you got downvotes on

how are you suppose to know when you said something possibly stupid, which I've been known to do once a year or so

fuck sakes

*becomes most downvoted rant ever*

  • 3
    I agree.
  • 4
    @TheOct0 thanks for the downvote bomb

    I was expecting this..

    I'm glad you're not a real person, or I'd be offended.
  • 1
    @rant1ng I didn't downvote you at all. I upvoted you, actually. Last time I looked at your count it was 2k round.
  • 4

    That's actually a fair assessment. I typically just don't bother and never have, with grammar. Spelling, yes, grammar, no. I have no idea how to properly use a semi colon, or brackets, or commas.

    My writing style stems from my copywriting background, those pauses, line breaks, and even spelling errors, force the reader to pause, think, emote, at points that I control. They have been proven to work.

    I can see how that would be annoying, my sister does the same thing and I hate it.

    At least your criticisms and rants make intelligible sense. You're obviously a smart guy too, I respect that.

    I lol'ed at your criticism.
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    @dfox , @trogus

    @rant1ng that can easely happen... Called our creators to check it out.
  • 1
    @rant1ng Hey at least whoever downvoted you brought you to the Orwell number!
  • 3
    Or when someone deletes an account you lose their votes, I've seen it mentioned around.
    Btw, why do people obsess about ++ count?
  • 1
    @nnee No idea. I like complimenting people on milestones, and I appreciate being where I am, I wouldn't make an issue out of loosing my count.
  • 1
    Exactly. It is always nice to be appreciated but primary purpose of votes here is devrant algo so you can avoid most crap like memes without context.
  • 2
    @TheOct0 lol

    I like getting ++'s and stuff but you know, it's not about the numbers. I'm not complaining because I got downvoted, I would just like to know why and for what, that's all.

    Kind of like in real life, when you say something stupid, you can immediately know that by a person's facial expression.

    Not that it happens that often... *cough*
  • 0
    @rant1ng Yeah, I like the idea of turning the downvote into a "bad review". At least, you have the honor of going twice through the 2k gate ^^
  • 2
    I like it how it is. If you are a troll, and you see who downvoted you, then you have a clear target for retaliation and vandalism.
  • 0
    @ewpratten Stop poking where it hurts D:
  • 1

    2k gate twice wasn't so bad
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