
I now have a new SSD.. and planning on a dual boot.

Best Linux distribution for a beginner?

  • 1
    Undoubtedly, Ubuntu or Mint.
  • 0
    Agreed; Ubuntu is so simple to install and feels intuitive to use. It's well packaged and supported.
  • 0
    Go for Mint. That is the best one for beginniners. Never use ubuntu on desktop :)
  • 4
    Arch Linux is the best for beginners (Kappa)
  • 1
    Ubuntu. I use it on my laptop (fuck you drivers) and it's the best shot at install and forget. everything works for me.
  • 3
    In case you don't get it, @Oussama is just joking here. Don't try arch as your first distro.
  • 1
    I would also recommend Mint. It's awesome.
  • 0
    I agree with the above in a more general sense. Anything Ubuntu flavoured is a good place to start, because of the vast support. I prefer the KDE environment, but there are lots of options for many situations, and of course preferences.
  • 0
    go with arch, if you're a begginer just stick with wiki instructions and you'll have a very nice linux distro working for you (:
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