
I just started habitica ... Its like an rpg taskmanager ... This is fucking great

  • 0
    so someone finally did it. Came up with that idea in like 1998

    fuck. kinda hurts I didn't do it.
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    @rant1ng there are lots of apps like this. Im using one called liferpg, pretty good.
    Imo there's still room for improvement in these apps I always thought I would code one myself.
    You still have time to do it ;)
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    I tried but just couldn’t get into it. The app was a mess.
  • 1
    Oh so it's for human tasks.

    I kinda thought it was like an RPG for taskman.exe or /bin/ps

    "Achievement: kill -9 init"
    "Achievement: waited for 10 processes to respond"
    "Achievement: intentional bsod to avoid updates"

    I would so play that! In production!
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    @deadPix3l wearing pink sombrero
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