
The year is 2025
"You already have videos, the trusted and safe media player for windows 10"
"You already have vscode, the better and lighter editor for windows 10"
"You already have Microsoft solitare, a fun, better game for windows 10"
*googles c++ tutorials*
"Try c#, safer and robust language for developers, oh and did we forget to mention use bing?"
*downloads arch iso*
"This file has been marked malicious by windows defender. Oh and we updated your bios to allow only windows bootloader. You're welcome."

  • 19
    That long?
  • 22
    I like the evil corp tag
  • 14
    More like 2019. I wonder how much more the users will take before leaving this pile of shit like rats do on a sinking ship. I would not she'd a tear if this whole company would collapse in a giant ball of fire
  • 11
    Sounds like a new episode of black mirror
  • 6
    Did something new happened recently with Windows or it is just that old Edge thing?
  • 6
    Someone please file a lawsuit already
  • 7
    @jAsE-Official just week old shit. Microshit displayed a warning even when u tried to install chrome or firefox
  • 5
    @-ANGRY-CLIENT- I'm a simple guy - I see Mr. Robot ref i++.
  • 11
  • 1
    'The right to read' by Richard Stallman
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