People complaining "oh I always have trouble figuring out if the clock goes forwards or backwards in October"

Bitch please, I'm dealing with 12 databases, with SQL dates as local timezone timestamps, and an influxDB in UTC. I'm dealing with a backend server configured in CEST and a middleware layer configured in Pacific time, and a hundred functions which try to keep everything straight because no one dares to migrate it all to UTC at this point.

In the whole argument about DST you hear about sleep psychology, electricity bills and farmers.

But what about me, the poor database administrator? What about all these ugly legacy systems, what about all the UX designers trying to fix time input pickers?

I spend 2 months a year in agony having nightmares of rips and folds in the flow of time. DAYLIGHT SAVING DOESN'T FUCKING MAKE SENSE HOW CAN TIME EXIST TWICE?

  • 24
    Everyone should use GMT, because the sun never sets on the British empire. 🇬🇧
  • 3
  • 2
    Yeah. Fuck off, datetime.
  • 13
    @d4ng3r0u5 Screw GMT, UTC and ISO formatting.

    I'm trying to get everyone to just use Unix timestamps, metric time for the win. It will require a little adjusting, but having a 2 kilosecond meeting or a 1 megasecond sprint makes sense.
  • 3
    <input type="datetime">

    And fuck anyone who uses a browser that doesn't support it.
  • 1

    Would you rather support everyone on DST except one state or no one on DST except one state?

    That state, of course, being Arizona (and I want to say another state does't use DST either, but I couldn't tell you which one).
  • 5
    @RiderExMachina The world is larger than the US, and with our offices and clients spread the world and DST switching at different dates in different countries, I would rather go sit in a corner and get drunk.
  • 5
    @dangerzone OK, now one of our clients has to plan an event that ends during the night when DST ends, at 2:30. But not the first 2:30, no, the second one.

    How will you enter that in a datetime input?
  • 1
    That's true, I'm just not privy to non-US DST shenanigans, so ai can't speak for them.
  • 9

    Yeah that's the worst part: CEST to CET happens in later October, PDT to PST happens a week later in early November.

    The sane thing would be of course to let someone enter a date in their local format, IMMEDIATELY convert it to UTC, and handle it as UTC everywhere in your application. Then when it needs to be displayed, let the view layer worry about converting UTC back to the right localized format.

    Sadly, almost all startup companies started in a garage or attic by someone who just stored the local datetime as a string field in databases, then 5 years later having grown to 30 million lines of code, and then someone asks, WHY WHY THE FUCK WAS THIS NOT ADDRESSED EARLIER.

    That someone being me. Sitting in a corner drenched in tears and booze.
  • 1
    I'm sorry for your loss
  • 1

    <input type="datetime-local">
  • 1
    @dangerzone Still doesn't solve the problem for events taking place at 2:30am during transition, because that moment exists twice.
  • 1
    That shit will get depracated soon anyway🕒
  • 1
    @bittersweet I had a bet running with myself that you were a database admin or a sysadmin for some legacy Unix monstrosity. I won. Maybe twice after reading this.
  • 1
    Dates and timezones could be the reason to stop coding. But then I know how it is when using things coded by someone else so the nightmare will follow me anyway. Just like when I dreamt about being in a never ending string escape function.
  • 0
    @gnutt On Earth... but what about when I move to the Moon or Mars?
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