
Meanwhile on my dad’s laptop...

  • 11
    That kindly reminds me of the old toolbar malware. Smth like that:
  • 5
    @liketop well I’ve asked him if he really needs all this tabs... Apparently yes...
  • 1
    @athlon Haha, this made my day:D Nobody can really work with such an amount of tabs...
  • 2
    Is he a PM? They have a disease
  • 2
    @liketop idk dude. He has an Facebook on quick access bar while he doesn’t have FB account
  • 1
    @athlon Ohh damn... Your dad need to be a really chilled person :D
  • 0
    @liketop well he mostly complains about Windows 10 itself. I told him he should try Linux but he doesn’t want to and I will not force him to do that.
  • 0
    That happened to me with my moms phone the other day and she was like why isn't this responding like it used to I think I'm running out of memory again
  • 1
    The only suggestion i can give open multiple windows. Like Ive got one window for programming issues like stackoverflow, one for documentation etc.

    It makes things organizable without having to close tabs.
  • 0
    Man please, thats nothing in comparison to MY BROWSER!
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