2 things
0:considering whats happening with the Linux CoC would it be a good idea to swap back to Manjaro Linux
1:whats a good password manager that's free and can synchronize and perfectible has a desktop program

  • 0
    @Jilano dammit clicked the wrong one yea its meant to be question instead of joke/meme

    the main problem i see with bsd is with a quick google it looks like steam isn't ported to it as gaming is the main reason i switched back to windows

    ill have a look at keepassxc
  • 0
    I think I'll dual boot now and slowly let it take over my laptop

    Also I was more thinking of syncing to my phone like robofourm can (I can't find an anroid version of keepassxc)
  • 0
    Hey, guys, look! He enumarates from 0, he's so cool!
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