Tell me honestly, Do your feel gender discrimination vibe at your workplace? I've been seeing so much tweets about female developer being insulted/made fun of/ whatever you call discrimination.
For me it's really good to see them writing codes. One of the girl I was friend with on Facebook was really good at solving problems. She gave me some of best ideas. I need an honest answer guys ?

  • 6
    She’s a fucking super star for working in a man dominated industry!

    These dickheads that have to put their ego before a women’s ability can go fuck them selves.
  • 3
    Well I know a girl who works perfect and she is never insulted because of her behavior.
    You can never make fun of her cause everything she does is perfect.
  • 3
    Girl joined my team recently and some of them are more careful about what they say, like there used to be no restraints on jokes and such. But other than that I don't see anyone linking her gender and skill together.

    In my previous job there also was a girl (but she was there before I joined) and she was treated like the rest.
  • 3
    personally i have two pretty different situations here...

    in the last years i've been moving italy to australia and back every few months.
    in italy nobody is taking themselves too seriously. so yeah, politically correct and respectful, but we're still allowed to make pretty much every kind of joke. with decency, of course, but no taboos. (i'm talking about milan and florence, for the rest i can't say as italy is a coutry where this kind of behaviours may vary DEEPLY from region to region)

    in australia (perth and sydney) sensibility is very different, very nice, polite. more friendly and informal, which i love. but this "do gooders" attitude around everyone sometimes drives me crazy and look pretty fake.
    i know this is a less "error-prone" way, but i find it a little "mortifying" to live always "avoiding potentially dangerous subjects".

    professionally instead nobody gives a damn about gender, political views, religion etc... and it's veeeeery ok this way.
  • 4
    I'm the only female developer in our company and I get along well with my teammates. Am I just lucky?
  • 4
    No problems in our department as well. Female devs do their work as well as their male coleagues. Noone is discriminating anyone.
  • 4
    I don't experience discrimination at my current job.

    I get some of those stereotyped, humourous remarks concerning my gender every now and then. But that's nothing I'd roughly consider hostile or discriminating, also as there's never a link between my skills or competence to my gender.

    I know from women friends in tech that it can be quite different e.g. not getting a job, being considered "beautiful decoration" rather than an equal colleague or being exposed to dudes who don't back off after being told that she's uncomfortable being subject to romantic interest. Most incidents correlate with an overall shitty company culture.
  • 4
    A woman in tech is no kind of hero when she just does the job she's paid to do. She's a co-worker like everyone else. Woohooo, working among mostly males is - nothing worth mentioning.
  • 1
    Nope, as long as you are decent everything is fine at my place.
  • 1
    Nope and I work with a female dev a lot at work.
  • 2
    I mean, my girlfriend is awesome. Slowly teaching her how to write Python and she gets it. I don't see a need for discrimination of any kind
  • 4
    Where I work there are many women and, as far as I know, there isn't any discrimination towards them. One of my teammates is in fact a woman and she does her job as good as the rest of us. It sucks that nowadays there are still people who don't consider them as peers, but fortunately that's not the norm.

    We're all doing a job, what matters is how well we do it, not what we have between our legs.
  • 4
    @C0D4 @R1100 @arraysstartat1 @thatsnotnice @yanchi @njpugh90 @netikras @rfc7168 @Fast-Nop @Codex404 @electrineer @c3ypt1c @ethernetzero
    Thanks guys for the comments. It's clear that those tweets i saw were probably the only people faced those kinda things or some people are just trying to create hype about it.
  • 2
    @shahidcodes well this thread doesn't have the sample size to conclude anything
  • 3
    Sure. Work in a place with 1000 women and a dozen men 🤣
  • 1
    @nbamaral what's wrong with that?
  • 1
    @nbamaral it's amazing isn't it
  • 1
    @electrineer yeah right. But I get the idea about it.
  • 0
  • 1
    @shahidcodes well in some workplaces it is really shit, I just expressed my personal experiences.
  • 2
    I'm one of those that dont think about it because its reverse discrimination the moment I do. Judge people for their actions and aptitude not their sex.
  • 1
    Wasn't complaining 😋
  • 2
    @demortes I completely agree. In my book, being gay, trans, woman or whatever is completely irrelevant in most contexts. Let me put it this way:

    You're not special for being a woman.

    You're not special for being gay.

    You're not special for being trans.

    You're not special for being non-binary.

    You're not special for being a white straight cis male either.

    If you identify as any of the above, I don't fucking care. I only care about if I have any affinity with you, if you're interesting, if you're nice, if I can get along with you, etc.

    But I take issue with people that only value themselves as what they identify themselves as. Those people that always go reminding every single fucking person that they are whateverqueer non-hexadecimal transfurry, like they expect the rest of the world to take that into consideration for some reason.

    You identify as a universexual masai warrior midget? Okay. Are you under the impression that I should give a flying fuck about it? Hell no.
  • 2
    Never had any issues nor did my girlfriend.

    We had long discussions about this because she went to one of those female-only bootcamp where they were told they will have to fight for respect.

    I call B.S..

    Our job evolved from the hacker meritocratic subculture... those issues are imported from the "real" world and it's a shame. We have one of the most inclusive community, as long as you don't dump shit and you stay motivated.
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