My college internet sucks!

It was totally fine upto when they blocked facebook and other social networking sites. πŸ˜•

Then they blocked youtube! 🀧 Ok, that was fine too!

But now they've blocked Stack Overflow! WTF!! 😭😭

This is the biggest punishment for any computer engineering student.

And there's no one to complain about it!😑😑 They've also blocked Ubuntu forums and several other helping sites! And they expect us to code without using these helpers. FML

  • 17
    @irene that's always an option, but still, computer engineering student without SO, is a dog without his tail πŸ˜‘
  • 5
    @irene genius! πŸ˜‚
  • 43
  • 4
    @irene will try that one. Hope that's also not blocked! 🀦‍β™‚
  • 18
    Blocking YouTube is plain stupid. The amount of times YouTube has saved my ass when studying... I tell ya
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    With age my doubt grows on that Stack Overflow is a good thing. We recently had a freelancer on board who turned to SO for every minor problem and copy pasted little code snippets together until it kind of worked somehow. Code review rejected every line until his contract didn't get renewed. I am just saying: learn to dig into documentation and try to understand your problem and its solution first. Maybe it is not the worst thing they blocked SO after all. On the other hand: fuck censorship, get VPN.
  • 14
    What the actual fuck...
    Yoy have to do some kind od coup there. Internet is a very powerful resource. Pn example 3Blue1Brown has few series where he explains how calculus or matrices work. (in a speciak intuitive way - with animation)

  • 3
    Try https://gimmeproxy.com
    It has a free api



    Its good, because you can filter proxy's by port, but be careful, you only have 256 requests per ip per day
  • 9
    To everyone who said "Dig into documentation" I think you have very little idea how many large projects are poorly documented. It's a pain. I love a good documentation (docs.gradle for example) but god damn for every good doc out there, there are 100 terrible docs.
  • 12
    Saying “read the docs” is pretty disrespectful of other people’s learning styles. We don’t all learn by reading complete explanatory text; some of us learn best by snippet examples, audio and video.

    YouTube didn’t exist when I was at uni, but I’d have learned much more deeply if it had.
  • 5
    Even SO in my opinion is a good platform for learning. You just have to be aware that not everything you find there is good as it is. But it‘s a good place for inspiration and sources about where to find more about your problem.
  • 6
    @irene Who said anything about sticking pieces together with duct tape? Sometimes it gives you the clue you need to continue what you were doing.
  • 3
    @irene Oh yeah! I get it now! Thanks for clearing that one up for me. You’re the best.
  • 2
    Imho you should learn to rely on your own intellect and ability to think for yourself and even sparring with the persons around you, instead of relying on SO for solutions or inspiration. With that in mind is a block of SO imho not a bad choice.

    Me and my classmates got through our studies alright without SO.
  • 4
    Idk, blocking SO and ubuntu forums is just stupid. Some things aren't documented well enough or there is a bug someone else encountered with a workaround. And sometimes you just don't have to reinvent the wheel. Human beings learn from each other. Also there are some good curses on YT, I don't know why a college should block this...
  • 1
    @LFlo Because a college should try to let you think for yourself. Reinventing the wheel in college is way better than stealing/borrowing a wheel from someone else. It builds character and knowledge
  • 2
    @Gregozor2121 if you are on a public network, like work or school, yes, they can.

    Once I was working in a government office, went to youtube to put some background music to listen. Turns out that YT is blocked. Why? Because if everyone goes on youtube while working (for listening music, obviously), the bandwidths would be totally used (and wasted).
    In short, they can and (sometime) they also have valid reasons. If you don't accept them, you can resign and find a new place/school/whatever it is.

    @dkexception even if I find a bit extreme to block SO, as people already said, every developer should be able to do its work with the documentation. SO is a plus, not "the standard". ;)
  • 1
    It really isn't something proud to rant about, you should learn to read documentations.
  • 3
    One way to do that, go to translate.google.com

    enter SO url or any forum url and click translate, page will open under google translate url

    Enjoy :)

    That's how I used to bypass youtube block in my previous job


    Example url: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/...
  • 1
    @Gregozor2121 the thing is...
    I watch his videos, but I do not understand it at all lmao.
    I am not sure why I am watching it
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    Did you try https? I know it's a long shot, but I remmeber some idiot was trying to block facebook & other 'unproductive' sites at my ex workplace and was sloppy enough to leave them open..
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  • 1
    Have you considered asking for it to be unblocked? Usually they will entertain justification
  • 2
    Oh man it's the same in my college too. We have stack overflow, stack exchange , quora, forums and other important stuff blocked.
  • 1
    Read through all those nice comments! Though reading documentation is proper thing to do all the stuff, sometimes it happens that for little help, SO is best, rather than searching the docs! Like if I totally don't know how to do things, SO always has something related which can further be searched in docs. Talking about Ubuntu forums, I hardly take any effort to read actual man pages πŸ˜‚ so, forums are there for help. As for current scenario is concerned, we use mobile data for searching. Hope so in near future, they uplift the ban on these sites!
    p.s. proxies and VPNs are to be considered yet 😝
  • 3
    Change your dns server to and (a privacy focused dns)

    If it still doesn't work use a VPN :)
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    @Prutser lol digging holes builds character too. I went to college to learn marketable skills. Employers want super car builders. Wagon wheel building isn’t gonna do much for me.
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    (Un)surprisingly Pornhub is not blocked.
  • 4
    @felbit To that I say: the force can be used for good and bat things😊
  • 2
    Saying read the docs is offensive now?? How about RTFM || GTFO
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    Coding without StackOverflow?!! You asking impossible.
  • 2
    It is not punishment for computer student. Just a challenge :D. Fire up vpn (use port 443 if they block VPNs too).
  • 2

    It's not offensive but counterproductive. It's as useful as replying "learn C and go dig through the kernel sources" to somebody who asks "what's a linux?".

    Common learning approach is top to bottom. You start with a general idea and then dig deeper to more advanced parts. Starting at the bottom with all the details, when you don't grasp the high-level concept doesn't make much sense to a newbie and won't help him.

    Such person, although initially motivated and enthusiastic about the subject, usually just ends up frustrated and gives up.
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    Let me guess, must be some college in India? πŸ˜…
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    @neelRants πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ yes
  • 2
    @dkexception Been there bud, i know it sucks!
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    @qwwerty Not my fault if they can't hang
  • 1
    Good luck reinventing the wheel (not the best one there can be) every day.
  • 1
    Just change the dns to or in you NIC settings,
    works for me.
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    @felbit sometimes the exact thing you need in documentation takes hours but on stack overflow it's just one search away.
    Try using WMI with the help of documentation or WMI creator
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    @Parzi Will try that, as soon as next semester begins! πŸ˜‡
  • 1
    @dkexception Run Orbot on your phone, if Android. Oh my God, is it nice...
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