Why the fuck are all templating engines called after synonyms of the same thing?

Laravel has Blade
ASPNET has Razor
Node has Edge

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    I would love to shit on any of them by saying some witty joke, but I honestly can't complain about blade and haven't really used the others.
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    The Second Edition of the 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary contains full entries for 171,476 words in current use, and 47,156 obsolete words. To this may be added around 9,500 derivative words included as subentries.

    So we are to assume there are not enough words that cannot be trademarked so like the drug companies we will have to invent marketable words for products in the near future?
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    >inb4 pug
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    People usually tends to follow the pioneer. So I have no idea what's the world's first template engine. But I'm pretty sure it gives the sharpy, edgy meaning. So all the other ones came out later just look it as a reference and name the synonyms.
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    Node js has edge?? Like builtin? First time hearing about it.
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    I've been using Node.js for ages and this is the first time I've heard of Edge. Node has a lot of templating engines pug (previously Jade), EJS, Nunjucks, Handlebars and Dust.JS are just some of the ones I can remember off the top.
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    They just want to get rid of twig ....... ha ? razors ... twigs ...
    I see myself out.
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    Cuz they will all cut you if you don't use them with caution..
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    The next will be "Corner"
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    @MonkeyParade You can easily tell I'm not a node.js expert.
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