Hey do you guys know any good PHP open source project, through which I could learn something.....please don't suggest big projects

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    By project do you mean an existing project which you want to analyze or do you want an idea for a project?
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    well it very well depends on what you want to learn..
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    @PonySlaystation yeah to analyze it and learn something from it...I guess
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    @myss I want to learn PHP...
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    Two years ago I was working on a few small projects with my friends and we wanted to use a low priced server to host them and keep everything tidy and clean, so I search for a one-file php framework to keep the projects as simple as possible, but nothing satisfied me, so I wrote my own tiny single-file mvc framework in php, it was fun and I had lots of challenges.

    You can have it if you want and even develop it, the project doesn't have documents but it's self-documented if you know the basics, if you will succeed in understanding it you can progress in php because it has the most-used patterns and techniques, it has some bad practices, but for start it's not that bad.

    Last time I worked on it, I tried to make it composer-friendly... I think I didn't finished the job. :(

    I will be happy to help, if you needed any help:
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    @amkherad hey I looked to your repo...but there are so many folders and files and I don't know where to start from?

    I am just a beginner to PHP

    Can you help me?
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    /src/gear/arch/ is the base mvc engine.

    I created a gitter if you want to chat:
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    @Ganofins maybe you'd try django/flask.
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    @TRex I don't know Django and flask even I don't know Python
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    @Ganofins much easier to learn as compare to php. Give it a shot..
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