
For halloween, lets scare the shit out of every Windows user...

  • 4
    Dress as boot loop. It is going to scare the shit out of everyboy!
  • 0
    Copied from Reddit πŸ˜…
    Atleast give credits or mention sources
  • 1
    @aditya23 Yeah, but since it it was reposted there too and the original goes back to 2016 or 15 I thought it would be okay πŸ˜…
  • 2
    Is there a version with kernel panic or segmentaion fault?
  • 0
    is it at least in prod ??? it would be great if you could emphasize that!
  • 0
    is it at least in prod ??? it would be great if you could emphasize that!
  • 0
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