Fuck MatLab. Fuck Mathworks. Why the fuck do I still have this fucking piece of shit on my computer? Even its logo makes me want to puke.

You think JavaScript is bad? Try MatLab, JavaScript will look like a saint.

You are still virgin? Try MatLab, it will fuck you hard.

Give me one fucking engineer who has to use MatLab and love its nonsense, I dare you!

  • 39
    "You are still virgin? Try MatLab, it will fuck you hard."

    That is gold, Jerry. Gold!
  • 8
    Well, why do you still have it on your computer?
  • 10
    Lemme fix this first sentence for you

    "Fuck math."
  • 16
    Actually I know a fair number of people who like MATLAB, though I suspect a Stockholm Syndrome kind of thing. It really is super convenient with all the built in toolboxes and stuff though.

    Though yeah, fuck MATLAB. Python is way better at most of the same things.
  • 6
    Sadly there is no real alternative, especially considering the included tools like simulink
  • 7
    I have to agree. Mathworks can go eat a bag of stinky dicks for what it has created.
  • 2
    @telephantasm for some reason that reminded me of something someone said on television yesterday. They were reviewing leafblowers and one guy said: If you like to work in your garden everyday you really should get this leafblower, because if you are lucky you get one leaf out of the way per day.
  • 4
    If you’ve never coded before then Matlab is fine. But with previous experience it’s such a horrible mess. R comes as a close second. Python all day.
  • 6
    @Stuxnet nah, math is good. Not for everyone, sure, but we need it - hell, our entire world would crumble to ashes without it
  • 4
    @endor Math is a legal form of torture.
  • 6
    Matlab is a turd. Not a shiny turd, but a turd that can be convenient to form to have the desired handfeel and flavour. Sometimes forming the turd can require hard work and passion. But the same can be said about any turd.
  • 4
    As far as I remember matlab array start from 1 😂
  • 1
    Well, try LaTeX then
  • 4
    When I started my PhD all data evaluation was done in Matlab. After a few weeks I said "fuck it" and re-wrote everything in Python...
  • 3
    I thought it was meant for math scientist, even then..I've seen them use python instead.
  • 2
    @620hun don't forget GNU octave! I can live with octave since it is fking free to run code, instead of overpaying for a MATLAB/Mathematica license.
  • 2
    @irene Haven't you heard? Starting an array at 1 opens the gates of hell! :D
  • 2
    @EngineerCoding doesn’t make the syntax any better 😛
  • 2
    @irene I just wanted to warm up the conversation by triggering array thingy 😂
  • 2
    We used MatLab as the very first language when I started my CS university degree. Learning code by starting with a soft, high level language was one of the things that bit me in the ass the most during my studies.

    Never used it since.
  • 1
    Few years back I've worked in Matlab for some months(~1year), I realized on the starting day that it's not my type as in Matlab array index starts at 1.!
  • 1
    @irene which joke are you talking about?
    I just mentioned my experience and incompatiblity with my cs fundamentals.
  • 1
    @irene no. And I hardly care about Matlab, but glad that I'm over it.
  • 2
    @hell @Semmel said I can open your gates by saying that arrays start at 1 🤔 can I use this in the afterlife in case I have to run away from the gates of heaven? 🙃
  • 3
    @Condor confirmed, and you get to do one deepthroat every time someone says that afterwards
  • 2
    @hell 😰 I know, arrays start at 0!!!
  • 1
    @Condor good boy 😂
  • 1
    @hell and fast learner too 😋
  • 0
    I made it a 100 ++'s for ya😎
  • 0
    @irene Yes I do. No I don't. Please elaborate.
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