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  • 25
    Geez, I thought my screen was cracked.

    But yeah, that's some evil shit.
  • 7
    I can understand this because otherwise you could read infinite free articles.
  • 8
    @davenall @bahua yeah, sorry about that 😅 it's the pointer's path of the last swipe action. I enabled it because we're developing a mobile game with several kinds of touch interaction and it helps me understanding how touch input works in general (I haven't done anything 'touchy' for mobile before).
  • 3
    @Jifuna so what's the difference? No cookies? Clearing them every two articles gives indefinite free access, too in that case.
  • 3
    @Fast-Nop that's true, but at the same time most users don't know they could do this to get around such limitations. Some people are just not so tech-savvy, so this actually seems like a working solution towards them.
  • 5
    @githapppens true, but I'm pretty sure that those users who know about incognito mode also know how to clear the cookies.
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop that's a good point.
  • 4
  • 0
    They could just use HSTS 🤷‍♂
  • 0
    Dude your screenshot has a crack. How did you manage that?
  • 2
    @gymmerDeveloper by enabling these two input options in android's developer settings
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