If you ever feel useless, just remember that someone has to port Microsoft Edge to Android

  • 14
    At least he has High paying job and it's pretty decent browser
  • 2
    @const true in the case of paying...
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    Probably, did it on Xamarin.
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    I want safari on android, just so I can hate on it lol
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    You know nothing! Even its engine is different
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    Try it at least...
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    @sebastian pls stop, ms phones just died out
  • 4
    I like edge, i use cortana on my android, windows on my pc, Windows servers in the cloud, windows 10 iot on devices in facility.

    There's also red hat corporate servers, 500 hardened Debian boxes, 2000 Linux devices on a custom Linux OS, all backed by AD for user permissions.

    Design team use apple stuff, some airports and stuff to support those...

    Everything has its place and no one thing is better at everything.
  • 3
    At least it was installed by 5M users! That's no too bad I guess..
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    Did anyone try Microsoft launcher on Android? It's quite good.
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    @Melonique it has been a since Microsoft edge launched on Android. So technically 5M is very less for MS and industry stats says only 30% sticks to app after download.
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    @algorhythm yeah maybe
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    @dontbeevil a good chunk of MS haters probably hate it because a lot of other people do and not because of any really bad experience with MS products.

    Do I prefer MS Windows over Linux? For my home & office servers no, but for my main PC at home I'm happy with Windows
  • 0
    Microsoft has a big team working on Edge. There have more users than developer usually thinks.
    Microsoft also uses React on outlook web, Azure spa, and Electron on vs code.
    They are way open mind than Apple, most people just don’t realise and bash it for no reason. (Windows Me, 8, VB, F# sucks)
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