From an old time Windows user (3.11), coding on a fucking Mac is coding the way its meant to be. Hands down.

  • 7
    Macs are nice.
    I prefer my Debian setup, but my MacBook Air is a close second.
  • 6
    Unix like environments are the way to go hands down.

    Nothing wrong with windows. But as far as most dev related tasks go I always feel it to be more convenient on a Unix like system.
  • 1
    I mean... It just feels like the right tool for web development. If I wanted to do Windows Forms development it would probably suck balls, but because I recently moved to web development I think I made the right decision in buying a damn Mac.
    Web development in Windows feels like virtualizing a virtual environment of virtual virtue on a virtual fucking virtualness...
  • 1
    @Observable "Fuck Windows, fuck Microsoft, it’s a peasants OS. For illiterate fucking regards that can’t afford/use quality."

    hahahah I feel your pain but in my case Windows Forms development and Visual Studio paid the bills for a long time...
  • 0
    I redundant be rather than visual studio an update.
  • 2
    @AleCx04 it is for this sole reason I'm considering going to Mac. It would be straight Linux if I didn't need Photoshop and MS Office.
  • 0
    @Observable you tell me to fuck off out of nowhere and then expect me tl read that entire life story there?

    Eat a dick and fuck off. Shit was fucking uncalled for.
  • 0
    @kshep92 check if you can use office online. Granted it is not the same experience, but it works for most of the stuff I have to do :) photoshop would do it tho. I can understand that.
  • 0
    @AleCx04 tried Office Online, hated Office Online. I can use it in a pinch but not on a day-to-day
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