
Got annoyed by the super bright default theme of the Arduino IDE. Decided to make a dark theme for it! Turned out pretty well!

Unfortunately there is no official way of themeing right now, therefore I had to edit some files in the program's directory, which was a pain in the ass to do... (and kinda scary)

I tried to adapt the Material Theme in Sublime Text btw.

Here's a comparison:

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    More detailed pic:
  • 8
    Funniest part was that if you try to change the color of the default "setup" and "loop" function, you also change the color of "if", "while", etc.
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    You should look into platformio. I just use sublime and all the sublime c++ add ons I want, then build through platformio. You can even add a build script to build multiple hex files for different platforms. It also will link AVR libraries as well as arduino libraries.
  • 4
    Can‘t ++ because it’s not Monokai
  • 1
    All the servos 8)
  • 1
    Black theme for arduino is like putting black on scrach editor...
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    The hero we need, but don’t deserve
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    I used to use an external editor like Notepad ++. Nowadays I'd go with vscode, there should exist pretty cool plug-ins for it too
  • 2
    Please don't use arduino ide :) Install VSCode with plugin platformIO.
  • 1
    Very nice but why didn't you just use an already dark editor and flash the programs via avrdude?
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    Could you please share more details on how you did it?
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    In the IDE's program directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino on Windows), you have to go to lib/theme. Here you find several images you can edit and also a theme.txt, where you can change the color scheme and some of the fonts.
    In the theme directory there's also a "syntax" directory with two xml files. These contain some extra styling stuff and also kinda overwrite theme.txt (don't know who thought this would be a good idea...)

    I also changed the editor font. This can be done in the Arduino Program Data directory (C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Arduino15 on Windows), in the preferences.txt file.

    Also look here:
    which contains a collection of other themes.
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    <@Ximidar> <@WildOrangutan>
    I know of PlatformIO and even tried it once, although I like having everything in one place, without the need to install extra stuff.
    The IDE might be shit, but it also has some useful features.
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    Used Monokai for a year and a half, got boring.
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    Not written by me :)
    That's the Firmata Source Code. Just used it as an example.
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    @Skayo Never gets boring. If ure used to a syntax highlighting, it‘s hard to switch. And monokai is simply the best imo
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    Or you could have used sublime... It supports Arduino Ide.
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    Material Theme is best theme! I won't divulge the embarrassingly large amount of time I've spent porting it to SSMS and VS2017.
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    I've been studying arduino for over 3 years now. During this time I learned how to choose themes and customize the interface for myself individually.
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    Could you please share more details on how you did it?
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    Here are some good practice kits
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