
Forgot to turn off mobile hotspot when I connected my phone with a Windows PC. Fucking windows used all my data to download 'security' updates. Bhenchod.

  • 13
    *doesn't cut off hotspot*
    *blames windows for using it*

  • 3
    Uses metered connection and failed to unplug, blames ms for not setting metered connection and max up/download amounts.

    Somethings I accept MS is shit at, others... well this one is on you.
  • 2
    *has a data limit*
  • 1
    @electrineer I have a 4 GB limit and I've never come close to using that much lmao.
  • 0
    @Stuxnet 4GB? I remember those days, now I have 40GB 😅
  • 2
    @irene My city doesn't have traffic that bad lol.

    @C0D4 I genuinely have no need for that much lol. I'm either at my apartment or on the college campus. I've downloaded all my Spotify songs since I've got premium. And there's a solid 50-75% chance that when I'm not on campus or at my apartment, wherever I'm at has WiFi.

    Sure it'd be nice to have 40 or "unlimited," but it's really not necessary for me.
  • 1
    @irene USA and public transport don't go well together
  • 1
    @Stuxnet neither do I, if I push myself I can get around the 20GB mark but I don’t watch a bazillion YouTube videos.
  • 1
    @irene My bus ride is all of 15 minutes lmao.

    My bus is a branch if city transportation designed specifically for college students who live close to the campus, so it's not a very long route.
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