The year of 2018 is slowly coming to it end, so how about summing it up in a few keywords ?

I start : Bitcoin, Spectre/Meltdown, GDPR, Facebook-out-Linux-in, A.I., Elon Musk, Corporate fuckups(fb,g..), Cheap & Good smartphones

Just a few random ones, hope you come up with better summary:)

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    Masters and Slaves being discriminated and tossed out because of butthurt people that presumably also like to hug rather than fuck.
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    Microsoft having the best updates...
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    All personal things but yeah:

    -Moved away from macOS.. they just don’t care about the quality and their customers anymore.

    -Quit job

    -Moving to another country (in progress)

    - bought nice new hardware
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    @irene too much government control and bureaucracy here.
    People don’t enjoy life and everything is about money.. always.. even when being out with friends, it’s all about money.

    And it’s incredibly expensive to live here.. only for lunch I pay 30-40 bugs a day..
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    @Jilano thanks man, appreciate it:)
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    @just8littleBit what country you used to live in?
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    @Mckol switzerland, working in Zurich.
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    @irene that’s up to the individual to decide if it’s good or bad in their opinion.

    To me it’s not a place I want to settle down.

    But I’m not gonna lie, Switzerland also has lots of positive things like the whole medical & insurance systems.
    The money on your account is pretty save compared to other countries..

    However, those are not my personal priorities..
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    GOP, emails, data breach, sexual harassment, emails, AR, ML, emails, shootings, emails,emails, emails.
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    Trump gets impeached

    Oh wait that was a dream

    Trump doesn't get impeached
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    @just8littleBit must be Denmark, bacon is great😁
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    @DivSyntax emails? OutOfTheLoop
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    @nett18 It's referring to Trump talking about Hillary's email usage on a private (White House) server. While his daughter was just caught doing the same. 😂
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    @DivSyntax oh, alright😀
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