
+++ Microsoft switches to the open-source Chromium engine for the Edge browser +++

On December 6th, Microsoft announced that they will dump their own Edge engine and replace it with Chromium, an open-source browser engine developed by Google.
This way they are promising the ~2% of global internet users who prefer Edge over other browsers to experience a better web experience.
The about 2% of market share is one of the reasons Microsoft decided to stop developing their own engine. It's just not worth it.
Joe Belfiore, corporate veep of Windows, said they also want to bring Edge to other platforms, like macOS, to target more audiences.

Web-Developers, like myself, will most likely have the most to gain. Less browsers to target means less incompatibility issues.
There are a lot of HTML5 features that the Edge engine doesn't support...

The new Edge won't be a UWP app, in order to make it usable outside of Windows 10. Instead, it will be build in accordance with the Win32 API, so we can even expect support for older Windows versions, like Windows 7 and 8. A preview release is planned for early 2019.
Because they are switching to Chromium and the Win32 API, Microsoft is hiring new developers! So if you always wanted to work at Microsoft, now is your chance!

That's it!
Thanks for reading!

Source: https://theregister.co.uk/2018/12/...

  • 4
    Post written by @Skayo

    We are still searching for authors!
    Apply here: https://discord.gg/d9Cwfw6
  • 3
    Also they’ve said that the chrome extensions will work with new edge!
  • 2
    Hopefully it'll make add-ons more common, with easy porting from Chrome. That's the main thing that's keeping me away from it actually, especially since JS for some reason can't be disabled in it, and none of the JS management add-ons are available for it yet...
  • 6
    I wish Chrome slow and painful death.
  • 1
    Soooooo i have yet to get in on a lot of this, have heard the rumors but have not investigated shit.

    But does this mean that my css will work on a Microsoft browser now?
  • 0
    Victory! Finally MS have some common sense.
  • 14
    next update
  • 1
  • 2
    Looking for developers? Does that mean they got rid of their Edge team? :0
  • 1
    @AlgoRythm Nah, it's just no longer a UWP app, and that's why they need devs in a different field.
  • 4
    I kinda love that people still don't use edge even after ms shoving it in our faces for quite a while.
    Don't see any reason to use edge. Seems more like a cost effective decision.

    Also remember that MS promises a lot and than always underdelivers. Remember "the browser that doesn't suck campaign or promises of a new FS promises...

    I do hope that Mozilla stays strong. Although Google invests a lot in web tech that actually makes it better; a blink monoculture will eventually hurt the web.
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