
I'm currently starting to develop a simple web app to access a database, just simple read, write, update stuff. Doesn't need to be fancy or anything, just work.
Now I asked a PHP dev I know for help and he told me I should use Symfony and Easy Admin Bundle. I'm not sure rn if it'd be worth it to get to know how to work with frameworks or not. What do you guys think?
Btw, I'm not planning on doing a lot more web development.

  • 1
    As someone who works with symfony, as long as you understand php, the learning curve is pretty low.
  • 2
    If you don't plan to do web dev later, and the app is small, and only some sql request.. Don't use a whole framework. Create a very little and easy mvc yourself. It'll be faster to do and as effective.

    You can check the source of the video '' the php practioner '' on laracast website. Just clone it and you're almost ready to go
  • 0
    I did a php german-latin vocabulary learning webapp some weeks ago. The words and translations all are stored in a mysql database. Just used HTML+Bootstrap with PHP+Mysqli

    That works very good!
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