
So ... Finally receiving notifications on iOS through firebase, now to handle them correctly ...

  • 0
    How did you do it? any handy tutorial that you can point me to. Coz I have to do a notification specifically for certain type of users.
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    @thevariableman I used nativescript-firebase-pluging from eddyverbruggen, since I'm building the app with nativescript...

    Else I'd advice you to look over the cloud messaging docs from firebase found at https://firebase.google.com/docs/... there is a section there for ios as well (firebase will push them through to the APNs service)

    It's a real hell with all the provisioning and certificate strictness... Took me about 3 tries and 4 days to finally have it snap together 😎

    Hope this will help you getting started!
  • 1
    @karma thanks for the heads up bro
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    @thevariableman not a problem
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