The fact that buying a paper train ticket from automates in Germany requires you to write your name on it afterwards with a pen is putting me through a lot of pain.

  • 5
    @CoffeeNcode it's one of the undiscovered technological areas of Germany
  • 2
    @CoffeeNcode found that out when I accidentally stumbled across a similar thing, but that had its origins well in the 80s and remained there: the NS-DOS :D

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    I've heard that Germany is technologically challenged. I saw an article on Deutsche Welle that lamented the fact that Germany was way behind on cellphone technology. So, is DB still using 10-base T for its network infrastructure?
  • 1
    @iAmNaN I actually don't know, but they sure lack web devs and railways infrastructure. And not only in the railways department, but also for Internet technologies as well
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    How are the trains with steam engine in Germany? I think its faster than a horse.
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    Deutsche Bahn... it is well-known for its incompetent workers and systems
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    Deutsche Bahn Baby, Deutsche Bahn...
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    DB is in a huge trouble. I was telling how I had to take the train from Düsseldorf to Frankfurt (supposedly just about 2 hours) and when I only reached this part of the story my German audience was already looking at me as if I completely lost my mind. Apparently DB has had some funding cut and their workers have been striking for a wage increase at the same time, resulting in crazy delays.
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    I just heard an interview on the news where they were saying that Deutsche Telekom still uses copper for their network structure, but not just any copper, but phone lines. The interviewee stated that internet speeds in Berlin were comparable to dial-up modem speeds. 😬
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    @iAmNaN I thought that's why the average Internet speeds in Germany are one of the worst in Europe. Mostly because the infrastructure is offered by the government instead of having telecom companies use it and replacing it would be a ton of bureaucracy
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    @iAmNaN germany is and will be a third world country, but a least its Europes third world country
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    @iAmNaN Phone lines have no problem with DSL. The thing why 4250 gazillion Tbit/s is not widespread is simple: it would cost a lot of money to rip out all the shit because it's underground and not spaghetti on telephone masts. On the other hand, customers aren't willing to pay more because DSL is easily enough for peoples' needs.

    Yadda yadda 50 Mbit/s is not enough when you download 10 Linux distros at the same time and each of your 12 children wants to watch shit in 4k and your wife plays Docker poker on 8 hosts. Nobody gives a fuck.
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    @Codex404 I mean, the quality of life in Germany is much higher than in a lot of Eastern European country, so this may be a bit unfair to say :D
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    @shinypotato I know, Im just joking, I love insulting Germans
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