
My app crashed in production and there's nothing in in the error logs..


  • 4
    Nice personal website btw 😜
    WTF is this?:
  • 1
    @Marl3x No idea, you sure you're in the right thread? :v
  • 0
    @inaba Yes, I found this on the website in your profile, no clue what it does tho. 🤔

    Whatever... I like the ":3" at the end of your log 😊
  • 1
    @Marl3x You should know what it is because it's from a plugin you have installed. https://github.com/Vadagon/...
  • 0
    @inaba I opened the dev tools and found a element that has this as its styling. It's in front of the other elements, but invisible because of the opacity:0
  • 0
    @Marl3x You should know what it is because it's from a plugin you have installed. https://github.com/Vadagon/...
  • 0
    @inaba Oh, never heard the name Vadagon, but yeah I have a volume manager installed and apparently I can change the volume with a shortcut that displays this box 😁
    Sorry 😅
    But why do you have a website thats empty?
  • 0
    @Marl3x Mainly because I am not very good at coming up with designs
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