:3 I'm soooo happy right now! My friend asked me to help her get started in designing circuits and making her own PCBs. Great motivation for me to write a few articles on it 😊... Honestly I would have just asked her to marry me right on the spot if she wasn't a lesbian and didn't have a girlfriend already.

...maan, it bugs me a lot: super cute, same interests, really really intelligent and knowledgeable, great character... Why must everyone care about gender? :( (I don't - just for the context...)

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    (joking about the last part - just for people that might think I am serious... I know really well that you can't choose your sexuality... unless you are bi or pan, then you can just pretend you only like one gender and a week later that you only like the other gender, I can get people really confused this way and it's funny :D)
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    @D3add3d ah that's easy with gender changers: https://amazon.com/SIENOC-RS-232-Ch...
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    It's a common misconception that having the same interests is some kind of requirement for compatibility. It's much more telling when you have great chemistry despite disagreeing about a lot of things.
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    @bahua BUT! I said that because I really don't know anyone else with the same interests as me and being able to talk about the same stuff and work on projects with someone is just awesome! It's like multiplayer update for a singleplayer game!

    (So what I mean to say, I did not think of it as a requirement but an awesome coincidence)
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