When you make a Linux distro look as close to macOS as possible because you can’t afford a MacBook 😩

  • 3
    I don't understand it... If it isn't macOS, why would you want something that looks 1:1 with it? Both Windows and Linux can look good while looking nothing like macOS.
  • 5
    MacOS is overrated and sucks ass. Don't @ me about it 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
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    @kamen preferences. But he can't afford it.
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    You can get better hardware with "a Linux distro" for less money.

    You are looking at the problem from the wrong end.
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    fuck mac os! who cares!
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    It's to look cool to noobs and to look professional to specialists
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    @hoch10 You don't "look professional"; you either do your job or don't, no matter what OS you're using and how it looks.
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    @kamen Of course thats right but it does make a difference on first impressions when they notice you use linux and put quite some time in it to make it look like macos...
    and I weren't thinking of job interviews this all doesn't matter if you're applying for a job
  • 0
    If you're gonna do Linux, you're using OSX but better. Just... stop there.
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