
Someone please tell Hollywood that you cannot hack systems by typing some random command in the terminal.

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    Oh god, I can't even!
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    sudo apt install php*
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    sudo bash Im_in.sh
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    Op never seen a pentest toolbox
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    Of course that's possible. A monkey at the keyboard will eventually not only type Shakespeare's works, but also hack any computer.
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    Depends on the exploit.
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    It's a movie. What did you expect. It's Hollywood, most likely some over the top action scene, not a documentary.
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    @gashadokuro wasn't aware of this one 🤣
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    @Kimmax that's the reason some of my non technical friends ask me to hack Facebook
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    Hollywood, sacrificing realism for looking cool since always. Everything in movies is way different than real life but looks cool: bare-fisted fights, sword fights, gun fights, hacking, sports, whatever. When you see them in real life, they are always different but more boring, which is why they do that.
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    The point is gunfights usually look actually cool.
    But in case of hacking, Hollywood regularly shoots past cool and right into cringe.
    At least for everyone, who know at least a bit about technology.
    (Same goes for videogames by the way)
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