
Our AWS Consultant: Do you have the AWS CLI installed?
Me: Brings up the Linux subsystem in Win 10. sudo apt install awscli.
Me thirty seconds later: Yes.

  • 3
    The Linux subsystem saved windows as a programmer's system. Explorer sucks.
  • 0
    @Techno-Wizard I don't have any complaints regarding Win 10 Enterprise or Win 10 Pro. They do what they need to do, without issues, and pretty efficiently.
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    @iAmNaN not disagreeing there. I just really don't like how Microsoft has taken the platform and how unstable it has become and already was.
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    I can't tell you how many times I've done shit like this when on the phone with tech support and such.
  • 2
    @iAmNaN I like most that they have done. NTFS needs to be replaced though. Performance is horrible (large file throughput is fine but per file overhead is ridiculous)
  • 3
    @Techno-Wizard Why do people keep saying windows became unstable in the later releases? Win10 the most stable system I have had...
  • 2
    @Geoxion it's pretty stable. My main problem is inconsistency. Settings all over. Awful installation and uninstallation system. Ads, ads everywhere. OneDrive stores stuff all over by default and tricks uninformed people into buying more OneDrive storage. Updates slow older machines to a disgusting degree (try running an unpatched win7 system and fully patched win7 system. It's night and day. Win10 doesn't have as much of a difference, but it's still there.

    It's a good an familiar platform for a lot of people, but my God does it suck in some places that I wish MS would actually address. Support Unix based programs like *literally* everyone else. (Albeit I know the installer one is not really an option).
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    @Techno-Wizard ads? What ads? You must have a very different Win 10 from what I have.
  • 1
    @iAmNaN it comes with candy crush preinstalled in your home menu and automatically backs up everything to their proprietary cloud storage system then whines when it's full.
  • 1
    @Techno-Wizard I haven't experienced that, fortunately. I run pro on my desktop, and home on my laptop. I've never noticed any games on the laptop, but I haven't looked for them either. Now Google, that's a different story. Purchased 100GB as an online backup, and they were backing up all the files I was deleting. 70GB of deleted files. Once I caught on to that, I fixed that problem.
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    @iAmNaN sounds about right. Google isn't as bad but they aren't innocent.
  • 0
    That fucking 2 contrôle pannel is cancer
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    @jak645 seriously. Who decided that making a different control panel missing a disturbing amount of *common* settings. We're not talking little details. Flipping mouse speed isn't in there.
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    @Techno-Wizard devices>mouse>additional mouse options...
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    @Techno-Wizard did you forget something?
    ( In your third reply to this rant
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    @gitlog I'm not sure what you mean, but I'm guessing it was me being stupid 😅
  • 1
    @Techno-Wizard you have a ( without a matching close. Compile failed. 😁
  • 0
    @iAmNaN [fatal] expected ' ) ' but found EOF
  • 0
    @Techno-Wizard (CLOSE the damn parentheses so we can know when to stop inferring something
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