Just sharing the best error message I ever got. Sometimes the application is just as confused as you are...

  • 1
    rly? asus?
  • 8
    Now did anyone else try to read that title as a German word?

    No just me? Cool...
  • 3
    @lxmcf in fact I read first `asusa`, and then `asusa... azusa, did they got it wrong? I can't imagine a program named azusa(asusa) will do`, then I got back to read again `asus audiocenter`

    v azusa
  • 15
    even better are the old XP-era boxes with the red X icon, a blank title and a blank body.
  • 1
  • 1
    Speaking of XP, do modern versions of Windows handle UTF-8 well? Because that looks exactly like what I'd expect when that's not the case...
  • 0
    @Parzi lmao, that is actually horrifying
  • 0
    @lunorian lmao, maybe it makes sense after all...
  • 2
    throw new ShouldNotHappenException();
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