So, this poor fucker right here has spent 3 hours straight trying to install KDE Neon AGAIN, FOR THE 14TH TIME AS OF TIME OF WRITING on an old 0.5TB hard drive with some GiB-wise partitioning size and apparently the disk doesn't like it.

Can someone give me a dildo so I can fuck myself more because life is not fucking me hard enough? No lube needed kthanksbye

  • 3
    Update #1: It crashed on the last moment. What.
  • 3
    Update #2: Attempt #15, fuck GiB, I'm gonna do GB. Let's hope the first boot go alright....
  • 3
    Update #3: Yet another crash. Kill me
  • 3
    Update #4: Apparently the issue is my hard drive. I'm not shelling out money for a hard drive after the holiday, I'm shelling for a Pi. Should I plungefor the 3B+ or wait for the 4?
  • 7

    Please accept my gifts
  • 2
    @cursee Niiicceeeeeeeeeeee
  • 2
    Update #5: Running bad sector check. 612 bad sector reported by S.M.A.R.T., double checking....
  • 0
    Update #6: I'm just gonna sleep and let badblocks check for bad sectors. Hopefully I don't have bury the hard drive along with 2 more drives.
  • 1
    As punishment plot the drive, put it in a rack somewhere and let scavenger squeeze the last bits of its strength out of it for a small final profit
  • 1
    Use the hdd as the dildo you requested for.
  • 0
    @electrineer Yea... I did. It badsect-ed all over the place,no wonder why it didn't install.
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