
Upgraded from MacBook to Razer and wanted to give windows a try but ended up installing ubuntu in less than 4 hours.

Fuck you windows.

Yours sincerely
Linux user

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    Yah windows is a nightmare I wouldn't even desire it to the people I hate the most. But speaking about @fuckWindows this guy is a good dude, don't mind the name 8D
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    "less than 4 hours"
    Well... For anyone that uses Windows, that sadly sounds not-so-good.

    I wonder when the year of the Linux desktop actually arrives...
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    @JhonDoe I wanted to give it a try and keep the cool keyboard lighting setup that razer offers.
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    @filthyranter I was genuinely trying 😂😂 couldn’t keep it
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    I did the same, but my laptop was giving me screen tears and low fps despite a really good graphics card and driver, I sadly had to switch back.
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    Windows has gotten better, but it's still a mess. Microsoft still can't do basic things right in 2019, like Windows 10 is super slow compared to OS X or Linux, and laptop sleep/wake is such a mess. Every week a new surprise pops up in Windows and something is broken or annoying that needs to be fixed and hinders me to do my work.
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    @filthyranter It did for me, nearly 9 years ago ;)
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    I got the Aero15x, running Arch on it now. I didn’t even bother booting Windows, but honestly I created a portable install of it for BIOS and firmware updates and it’s not that bad
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    @conorlburns my current device model is not yet supported. I’ll definitely keep an eye out for their updates.
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    @kickass ah what a bummer but you could try to add it yourself
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    @dmoa true, it was not easy for me either. I had to work around wifi and graphics card issues.
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    @hirschnase So true, I don’t want os to do something when I want to just keep working and not do os fixes. Happened to me multiple times.
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    @dontbeevil yeah, and then after boot the CPU goes up to 100% for minutes because the ms Anti-Malware agent and other nonsense runs.
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    Well same would happen if I tried linux for such a short time. Use it a couple of weeks then make a decision
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    @musician did use windows for couple of years before giving up😂
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    Fuck you linux.

    - Windows user.

    Equality 😂
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    fuck everyone, Im rich.

    -Apple fan boy.
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