
Passed a code test for once and invited to interview with engineers.

I’m nervous yet proud. Any tips? It’s the first time I’ve reached this point

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    What @snaz said, but be prepared to learn stuff.. fakin will only get you so far in life.
    To me it would matter if people were honest about not knowing everything and willingnes to learn. Also if they listen and follow orders..
    But what do I know, I've never been in a position to hire someone, so I end up with people who are just fakin it and want easy way out of everything, meaning getting 'job done' and leaving me with fixing their fuckups.. :/
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    Shoot up the crib and make them your bitches
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    What React questions does the test covered?
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    I've hired and interviewed people.
    @sladuled is right on spot.
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    Be confident in speaking out your thoughts, humble to accept critic and able to take them as assumptions to define what new to learn and strengthen your skills
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