Repeat after me: "Microsoft Excel is not Open Source!"

  • 2
    Maybe they meant you can learn open source tools like Java, PoI to create files you can view on closed source tools like Excel
  • 10
    The Open Office XML-based spreadsheet format using .xlsx as a file extension has been the default format produced for new documents by versions of Microsoft Excel since Excel 2007
  • 3
    @lazyDev insert *thank you*
  • 0
    @lazyDev I guess. But then it's not really what this screamed to me at first.
  • 1
    @gitoutofhere "...screamed TO ME..."

  • 1
    @gitoutofhere it talks about creating an excel file, not opening it with Ms Excel. ApachePoi is open source and an awesome library to create spreadsheets
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